The number eighteen with a red stroke through it, indicating a location where a person must be aged 18 or above to enter. Often used online to indicate adult or NSFW content.
Google's design includes the text "under" above the number eighteen.
The Samsung version of this emoji previously displayed the number 19. This may have been due to the practice of counting the first year of life as one instead of zero in parts of East Asia such as South Korea (the location of the Samsung Headquarters).
Emoji | 🔞 |
Unicode Name | No One Under Eighteen Symbol |
Apple Name | No One Under Eighteen |
Also Known As | NSFW |
Codepoints | U+1F51E |
Language | Name |
Bengali | আঠরর মধয কউ নই |
Danish | forbudt for under 18 |
German | minderjährige verboten |
English | no one under eighteen |
Spanish | prohibido para menos de 18 años |
French | 18 ans et plus |
Hindi | 18 स कम परतबधत |
Italian | simbolo di divieto ai minorenni |
Japanese | 18歳未満禁止 |
Korean | 성인용 |
Marathi | 18 वरषखलल कणह नह |
Malay | bawah lapan belas tidak dibenarkan |
Dutch | niemand onder de 18 |
Norwegian | aldersgrense 18 år |
Portuguese | proibido para menores de 18 anos |
Swedish | ej för minderåriga |
Tamil | 18 வயதகக கறவனவரகளகக அனமதயலல |
Telugu | పదదనమద సవతసరల కట ఎకకవ వయసస ఉడల |
Chinese | 18禁 |