A hand with the index finger pointing straight forward at the person viewing the emoji. Used to represent the word and concept of 'you,' the second-person singular and plural pronoun.
This symbol is seen in art, advertisements, and military recruitment posters as a way to draw the viewer into the image they're looking at.
This hand shape is also used in multiple sign languages from around the world.
Emoji | 🫵 |
Unicode Name | Index Pointing at the Viewer |
Apple Name | |
Also Known As | |
Codepoints | U+1FAF5 |
Language | Name |
Bengali | দরশকদর দক উদদযশয কর তরজন |
Danish | pegefingeren mod os |
German | zeigefinger zeigt auf den betrachter |
English | index pointing at the viewer |
Spanish | índice apuntando al espectador |
French | index pointant vers le lecteur |
Hindi | दरशक क ओर इशर करत हई तरजन उगल |
Italian | indice che punta verso l osservatore |
Japanese | 人差し指でこちらを指す |
Korean | 보는 사람을 가리키는 손 |
Marathi | समरचय वयकतकड बट दखवणर हत |
Malay | jari telunjuk menunjuk kepada penonton |
Dutch | wijsvinger wijzend naar de kijker |
Norwegian | pekefinger som peker på seeren |
Portuguese | dedo indicador a apontar ao visor |
Swedish | pekfinger som pekar på tittaren |
Tamil | பரவயளரச சடடககடடம ஆளகடட வரல |
Telugu | వకషకలన చపతనన చపడ వల |
Chinese | 食指指向观众 |