A yellow face with an open smile, sometimes showing teeth, and red, cartoon-styled hearts for eyes. Often conveys enthusiastic feelings of love, infatuation, and adoration, e.g., I love/am in love with this person or thing.
This emoji has a cat variant, 😻 Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Eyes.
Emoji | 😍 |
Unicode Name | Smiling Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes |
Apple Name | Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes |
Also Known As | Heart Eyes, Heart Face |
Codepoints | U+1F60D |
Language | Name |
Bengali | হরটর আকরর চখর সথ হস মখ |
Danish | smilende ansigt med hjerteøjne |
German | lächelndes gesicht mit herzförmigen augen |
English | smiling face with heart eyes |
Spanish | cara sonriendo con ojos de corazón |
French | visage souriant avec yeux en forme de cœur |
Hindi | दल क आकर वल आख वल मसकत चहर |
Italian | faccina con sorriso e occhi a cuore |
Japanese | 目がハートの笑顔 |
Korean | 하트 눈 얼굴 |
Marathi | डळयमधय परम असलल हसर चहर |
Malay | muka tersenyum dengan mata berbentuk hati |
Dutch | lachend gezicht met hartvormige ogen |
Norwegian | smilefjes med hjerteøyne |
Portuguese | rosto sorridente com olhos de coração |
Swedish | leende ansikte med hjärtformade ögon |
Tamil | இதய வடவலன கணகளடன கடய சரதத மகம |
Telugu | పరమన తలప మఖ |
Chinese | 花痴 |